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Setting Accounting Information

By Setting Accounting Information, you add IDs to print jobs, and use the printer and cost management tool to tabulate print history information for any ID.

The procedure for Setting Accounting Information is described below.

  1. From the Canon IJ Printer Utility2 pop-up menu, select Accounting

    figure:Canon IJ Printer Utility2 Accounting
  2. Set Account ID

    Set an Account ID, as necessary.

    Account ID
    Enter the Account ID to be set. Enter the ID by using up to 20 alphanumeric characters (0 to 9, a to z, A to Z).
  3. Apply settings

    Check that the printer is on, and then click Apply.
    When the confirmation message appears, click OK.
    The setting is now valid.


  • If the printer is being shared, Accounting information cannot be set on client machines.